777 Manifestation Method

777 Manifestation Method – What Does It Mean?

Welcome to this article, I will guide you on the 777 Manifestation Method which is very helpful for you.

In this world, everyone has desires and dreams to achieve. We have big desires but limited resources to fulfill our dreams. Hence there is a large number of communities living a life full of depression and anxiety.

Since they cannot achieve their goals they face disappointment in their life. If you are also one of these people, then you might not hear about manifestation.

Manifestation is a powerful technique that helped a lot of people achieve their goals throughout the globe. The world is changing people have acknowledged the importance of manifestation.

People are achieving their goals and fulfilling desires through the power of manifestation. There are multiple methods of manifestation that are used to fulfill dreams.

You can follow a step-by-step guide to manifest your dreams and achieve goals. Today we will discuss one of the most popular manifestation methods termed as 777 manifestation method. This method is one of the most effective manifestation methods people are using nowadays.


A lot of people all around the world got benefit from the 777 manifestation method. They have achieved their dreams, desires, and goals. 777 manifestation method means that you need to repeat/write your affirmations 7 times in the morning, and 7 times in the evening for the next 7 consecutive days.


Rose Maree Templeton, states in the book “Numerology, Numbers and Their Influence”, that the number 7 resembles the temple door. It has significance like the temple door. This significance is determined by its symbol which is a triangle sitting on top of a square.

Since number 7 is ruled by a positive moon. Hence the door opens the ways of wisdom onto the mysterious life.

There is a great connection between the number 7 and colors like purple and grey. When you write your affirmations, you can use a purple or grey pen. When we write this number 7 three times such as 777 its power gets increased. Because angel number 777 has a great mysterious connection with number 7.

Number 7 shows the qualities of, spiritual awakening, development, persistence of purpose, knowledge, understanding, and good fortune.

If you have been waiting for miracles to happen in your life, then 777 can make it possible. Due to the positive attributes and significance of 777, you will observe miracles happening in your life.

The combination of 777 indicates that you are now putting wisdom in your approach toward development, knowledge, and purpose. It shows that you are ready to receive the reward for the efforts you have made. You have been doing multiple tasks to achieve your goals. Now introduce 777 in your goal to achieve your output.

According to Kyle Gray in the book Angel Numbers: “Your magic and manifesting abilities are increasing at this time. Tap into your inner superpowers and release your magic into the world.”


Manifestation is a technique to achieve goals, dreams, and desires but it doesn’t point out a specific desire or dream. It can be anything a person, a particular feeling (love), a dream job, business achievements, health, an abundance of money, or anything you can think of.

Your desires, goals, and dreams can be different, but the technique is the same. Hence you need to acknowledge your desire, dream, or goal before working on it.


You are here searching for the method of manifestation because you have multiple dreams, goals, and desires you want to achieve. But you cannot achieve everything in one step. Move forward step by step so that you will gain confidence after getting one desire.

Then you will be determined to move further. Decide what you want. You need to focus on one thing. Whether it’s love, money, or health stick to a single point and work on it. I suggest starting with a small desire or dream and then moving further when you have accomplished 1st milestone.


Once you are sure of your desire, goal, or dream, the next step is to create your affirmation. I have already posted on the topic of affirmation you can explore it. You will learn how to create affirmations from that post.

Create some affirmations regarding your goal and write them on a piece of paper. The best shape of your affirmation phrase can be in the form of appreciation.

Because the universe takes everything away from us, we don’t admire or appreciate it. Hence if you want to achieve anything bigger then appreciate, what you already have in your life.

For example, if you want to manifest money, your affirmation can be like this: I have an abundance of money in my life I am ready to welcome new ideas and development goals in my life.

Or you can say this: I have made money through my work and investments now, and I want to make myself more successful so that, I would help others.

These are some of the examples you can follow when making your affirmations. You should not ignore this step as it is the most important part of the manifestation technique.


After deciding on your desire and making your affirmation phrases or sentences, you are ready to apply the 777 manifestation method. You have to write your affirmations 7 times in the morning, and 7 times in the evening for the next consecutive 7 days.


You have done everything you were required to do. After completing all the steps and finally applying the 777 methods you should leave results on the universe. You cannot keep your vibration levels high without having a strong belief in the universe.

Because the universe is always listening to you, your desires you have been dreaming of for years. While applying the 777 methods you kept your vibrational levels high, which means you have built a strong connection with the universe.

Now let the universe convert your dreams into reality. The universe will return you the same as your vibrational levels. Because we can only connect to the universe through our vibrational levels.

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